2011年10月29日 星期六



趾甲的下部是甲床,這是一層很薄的皮膚。趾甲好像頭髮,脫掉會再生長,甲基質, Matrix, 是趾甲生長的源頭,即肉眼可見在趾甲近端形成的半月形白色部位。倒甲多不會在手的指甲出現,大多數在大拇趾甲發生,少數其他腳趾的倒甲,與足部先天生的畸形問題所致。



2011年10月28日 星期五







2011年10月24日 星期一

Ingrown nail surgery, ingrown nail procedure

Swelling causes pain when patients walk. In early stages, conventional treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, softening toe nails with warm water can relief the symptoms. However, for severe ingrown nails, the cure is to remove the entire nail. Below are several possible treatments:

1.          Remove all ingrown nails: this is the simplest method. Generally one-third of the nail is removed, so no nail remains in the skin and no pain will be felt. But the chance of relapse is up to 80-90%. Factors like nail too close to the edges and nail bed swelling will also affect the effectiveness.

2.          Wedge Resection
which is to remove the all toe tissues including the nail groove and the nail plate and stich afterwards. Chance of relapse is much lower, but the toenail may be deformed and narrower. Since suture is required, there will be wound and remove the stitches after the surgery.

3.          Chemicals to damage the toenail matrix: apply chemicals on the ingrown nail, which damages the toenail matrix, so as to prevent the growth of the nail. The method is simple but incomplete. Because excess chemicals may cause unnecessary damage on other tissues, but too little may lead to re-growing of nails around nail groove, so ingrown nail will happen again.

4.          LaserAn ingrown nail surgery in recent years. The method is to remove one-fourth or one-fifth of the nail plate and apply laser to the nail matrix, preventing its growth. Laser also vaporizes the nail bed tissues, so swelling is reduced. This surgery requires local anesthetic and lasts for about 30 minutes. It causes less damage and thus quicker recovery.

Reference information: www.genesis-surgery.com
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.


2011年10月22日 星期六

Ingrown nail surgery

Case sharing

Mr. Chan had experienced the pain of ingrown nail. “Two months ago I felt pain on the right big toe. It was so painful that I could not wear shoes except slippers. I could barely walk. Painkillers are just for temporary uses. It was very disturbing to my life. I couldn’t focus on my work, couldn’t do exercises and couldn’t go out to dine with my friends because of the pain in my toes. Mainly I could only stay home and watch TV. It was very depressing.”

His sister experienced the same thing years ago. Her method was to remove the entire toe nail and wait for it to grow back. Mr Chan thinks the reason for his ingrown nail is he cut his nail too deeply, causing new nails inserted into the skin nearby. Now Mr Chan would never do the same thing again.

Causes of ingrown nail
The nail bed under the nail is a very thin layer of skin. Nail is similar to hair, which grows after it is peeled off. Matrix is the origin of the toe nail, which is the semi-lunar white matter, lunula, at the end of the toe nail. Ingrown nail seldom occur in finger nails, usually it happens on the big toe nails, and very few happen on other toe nails, which is usually caused by congenital deformation.

Ingrown nail happens when cutting the toe nail too deeply, so when the nail grows upward, it penetrates the nail bed as a sharp blade, causing trauma, leading to bacterial infection and forming pus. Other factors such as wearing high heels, narrow head shoes, will all increase pressure on the toes, causing swelling. And sweaty feet will increase moisture and worsen the problem of ingrown nail.

Reference information: www.genesis-surgery.com
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2011年10月20日 星期四

Thyroid surgery, endoscopic axillary thyroidectomy

Thyroid gland is a major endocrine gland in the endocrine system, located in the center of neck, at the sides of trachea. The major function of thyroid gland is to release thyroid hormones to maintain metabolism. Thyroid hormones pose great effects on growth and development. Excessive and deficiency of thyroid hormones can both cause diseases. Thyroid tumor, hyperthyroidism and thyroiditis are common thyroid diseases.

Thyroid diseases treatment
Traditional thyroid surgery has to make a 6-10 cm incision on the neck, leaving a permanent scar. Thyroidectomy can now be done by placing the endoscope and ultrasonic scalpel via two 0.5cm incisions on areola of the breasts, and another incision in the underarm with the same size, for putting in other surgical instrument.
Thus thyroid gland can be removed with the help of a high definition monitor.

Thyroidectomy indication
It is applicable for single goiter, nodular goiter, cystic hyperplasia of thyroid, hemorrhagic cyst, toxic nodular goiter, thyroid adenoma or hyperparathyroidism

Advantages thyroidectomy
Endoscopic axillary thyroidectomy are effective with no scar on the neck, and two months after the surgery, scars on the areola and underarm can barely be seen. As the surgery is done with the machines, images are clear during the surgery with less bleeding and chances of complication.

Reference information: www.genesis-surgery.com
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2011年10月17日 星期一



另一方面,飲食中碘元素缺乏與甲亢、發育緩慢及智力缺憾有關。在碘攝入不足地區,毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫發生率增加,通常在年紀大的女性。現今只有很少地方 的生活人口是依賴食物(如通過進食海藻或海鮮等)來攝入足夠的碘元素,大部份人主要由海鹽攝入。

日常生活需注意攝入量,特別在孕婦及兒童,甲狀腺素是生長 發育不可缺的物質。 海澡及海帶含豐富碘質。


參考資料: www.genesis-surgery.com 



Warts are protrude growths caused by papilloma virus (HPV). It often appears in hand and feet, the affected skin will bulges up with brown color or normal skin color. Wart are mainly spread through direct contact and infected by lifestyle utilities, such as towels, computer accessories, etc..

Types of Warts:
s   Common Warts
It usually appear on finger, knee and
palm with skin or brown color. It appear as rough surface, can also appear as one tablet or up to 10x tablets.

s   Flat Warts
It usually appear in group as smooth, yellow-brown spots and most frequently on the face and the back of hands.

s   Planter Warts
It usually develop on the sole of the foot, where they are usually flattened by the pressure of walking, surrounded by thickened skin. It can be so painful like a small stone in your shoes when you are walking.

Swimming pool, gym room...etc., are the public area which will be affected easily.

s   Genital Warts
Genital Warts are warts in or around the vagina, penis, or rectum. The virus can be transmitted sexually that causes moist warts on the genitals. The warts may cause skin cancer for men and cervical cancer for women.

There is still no medicine that is able to kill those bacteria and recurrence rate and side effect of those external used medicine are high. Patient can also choose surgery to treat the warts:

s   Cauterization
using electrocautery devices to burn the infected tissue, damage the tissue to the bottom to uninfected normal tissues, then scrap away the warts. It will take one to two weeks for recovery. Local anesthesia is needed for cauterization.

s   C02 Laser
Same as the Cauterization, CO2 laser use laser instead of electrocautery devices to destroy the warts to the bottom to uninfected normal tissues. It will take one to two weeks for recovery. Local anesthesia is needed for CO2.

s   Cutting surgery
It is the most conventional method for treating warts. As warts can be cut wider and deeper and remove all infected tissue after the suture, the recurrence rate is lower than other method

Everyone should pay attention to the personal hygiene, such as wearing slippers in public bathrooms, swimming pool.

Reference information: www.genesis-surgery.com
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2011年10月13日 星期四

激光割包皮 創傷度低

男士包皮過長,不但容易藏污納垢,引致龜頭發炎,還會導致性交困難,甚至經 性交將細菌傳播給另一半,令伴侶屢次陰道炎發作。外科醫生表示,不少中年男士因為怕尷尬而拒絕接受割包皮手術,多年來受盡龜頭發炎及性生活不愉快的困擾, 現時嶄新的激光割包皮手術創傷性較低,患者手術後休息兩三天已可恢復工作。

陳先生( 38歲)年幼時已被診斷為包皮過長,但醫生當時認為只須注意衞生,就毋須割包皮。他表示,一直以來也沒有出現龜頭發炎及疼痛等問題,惟太太婚後陰道經常發炎,痕癢難當,「中西醫佢都睇過,病情時好時壞」。後來太太向婦科醫生求診,認為與他包皮過長有關,「醫生話我啲菌可能傳咗畀太太,令佢經常發炎」。陳先 生最近接受了激光割包皮手術,傷口很快復原,「手術後第三日已經返工,一粒止痛藥都冇食過」。他希望完全康復後,能夠與太太重拾健康愉快的性生活。

外科專科醫生表示,包皮過長問題甚為普遍,他們必須翻起包皮才能清潔龜頭,否則容易藏 污納垢,引致龜頭及尿道發炎;部份包皮過長的男士同時有包皮過緊問題,令包皮難以翻起清潔,增加龜頭發炎風險,更令性交時出現困難,因為包皮過緊會妨礙陰 莖勃起,性交時也會拉扯包皮引發痛楚,影響性生活質素。
醫生表示,不少中年男士多年來受盡包皮過緊、龜頭發炎、性生活困難等問題困擾,但往往因 為怕尷尬,以及認為「割包皮係細路仔手術」而拒絕接受治療。男童若沒有龜頭或尿道持續發炎的情況,其實毋須太早接受割包皮手術,「如果小朋友冇發炎問題, 即使包皮翻唔起,可以觀察到小學畢業先決定係咪需要做手術」。他指初生男嬰的包皮天生包住龜頭,有保護龜頭的作用,隨着陰莖成長,龜頭便會漸漸露出。
不少男士也認為割包皮是大手術,害怕會影響工作,醫生表示,傳統會以手術刀或剪刀切除包皮,約 1%病人會因傷口嚴重流血須再度入院治療。嶄新的激光割包皮技術,可同時進行切割及止血,造成的創傷較傳統方法小,手術時被切割神經線的末端會被激光封閉,可大大減低病人的痛楚。


參考資料: appledaily



不 少 人 經 常 有 痛 的 毛 病 , 痛 時 部 有 如 「 作 反 」 , 出 現 作 嘔 難 嚥 , 若 食 藥 亦 未 能 根 治 , 可 能 患 上 部 不 尋 常 扭 曲 的 罕 見 病 症 「 扭 轉 」 。 有 外 科 專 科 醫 生 表示 , 扭 曲 的 部 會 出 現 堵 塞 , 病 者 進 食 時 「 唔 落 膈 」 , 嚴 重 會 令 部 「 無 血 到 」 而 壞 死 , 須 於 六 小 時 內 動 手 術 將 胃 部 固 定 , 否 則 會 因 「 穿 」 引 致 腹 膜 炎 , 死 亡 率 高 達 五 成 。

外 科 專 科 醫 生 陳 東 飛 解 釋 , 人 的 部 與 脾 、 肝 及 橫 膈 膜 等 組 織 均 有 韌 帶 連 接 , 以 固 定 胃 部 的 位 置 , 若 韌 帶 出 現 鬆 弛 等 問 題 , 部 便 會 不 受 控 以 一 百 八 十 度 、 或 更 大 幅 度 扭 曲 , 造 成 扭 轉 。 他 說 , 大 部 分 病 者 年 齡 介 乎 二 十 至 五 十 歲 , 三 分 之 二 個 案 無 確 實 成 因 , 小 部 分 人 則 是 因 先 天 性 橫 膈 膜 缺 損 , 或 曾 做 器 官 切 除 手 術 令 體 內 腹 腔 空 間 過 大 所 引 致 。 病 者 以 部 左 右 反 轉 的 情 況 最 為 常 見 , 部 分 病 人 則 是 胃 部 上 下 反 轉 。

鏡 亦 難 發 覺
陳 又 稱 , 胃 扭 轉 可 分 慢 性 或 急 性 兩 種 , 慢 性 病 人 部 會 間 歇 性 扭 轉 , 然 後 自 行 回 復 原 位 , 令 病 者 久 不 久 出 現 痛 ; 若 發 作 後 部 不 能 「 返 轉 頭 」 , 就 會 變 成 急 性 , 需 馬 上 動 手 術 治 理 。 目 前 病 者 多 以 腹 腔 鏡 手 術 診 治 , 以 微 創 方 式 固 定 胃 部 於 腹 壁 及 橫 膈 膜 的 位 置 , 經 手 術 治 療 後 九 成 病 人 不 會 復 發 , 術 後 翌 日 已 可 進 食 。
胃 扭 轉 並 不 常 見 , 陳 東 飛 指 行 醫 十 多 年 亦 只 處 理 過 三 宗 個 案 , 估 計 每 年 公 立 醫 院 只 有 一 宗 新 證 。 不 過 , 他 稱 , 由 於 部 「 翻 來 翻 去 」 , 病 人 照 鏡 亦 未 必 可 發 現 , 需 以 鋇 餐 檢 查 才 可 確 診 , 相 信 患 病 人 數 被 低 估 。

四 十 多 歲 的 陳 女 士 自 四 歲 受 痛 問 題 困 擾 , 曾 試 過 洗 腸 、 食 藥 等 治 療 方 法 , 卻 未 見 效 , 至 本 年 初 急 性 嚴 重 痛 , 「 痛 到 面 都 黑 , 個 胃 脹 到 好 似 有  咁 , 真 係 好 驚 」 。

其 後 經 轉 介 至 外 科 , 才 診 斷 患 上 胃 扭 轉 , 遂 馬 上 作 微 創 腹 腔 鏡 手 術 , 穩 定 部 位 置 。 「 依 家 痛 問 題 無 晒 , 終 於 識 得 餓 的 感 覺 , 食  時 覺 有   , 係 之 前 從 未 試 過 」 。

參考資料: on.cc.com 


2011年10月9日 星期日

激光割包皮 減痛楚

·      只需休息一兩日






參考資料: orientaldaily.on.cc


2011年10月3日 星期一

手術新知 - 甲亢患者進行機械臂手術




香港外科醫生 陳東飛

參考資料: www.singtao.com
