2011年10月17日 星期一



另一方面,飲食中碘元素缺乏與甲亢、發育緩慢及智力缺憾有關。在碘攝入不足地區,毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫發生率增加,通常在年紀大的女性。現今只有很少地方 的生活人口是依賴食物(如通過進食海藻或海鮮等)來攝入足夠的碘元素,大部份人主要由海鹽攝入。

日常生活需注意攝入量,特別在孕婦及兒童,甲狀腺素是生長 發育不可缺的物質。 海澡及海帶含豐富碘質。


參考資料: www.genesis-surgery.com 



Warts are protrude growths caused by papilloma virus (HPV). It often appears in hand and feet, the affected skin will bulges up with brown color or normal skin color. Wart are mainly spread through direct contact and infected by lifestyle utilities, such as towels, computer accessories, etc..

Types of Warts:
s   Common Warts
It usually appear on finger, knee and
palm with skin or brown color. It appear as rough surface, can also appear as one tablet or up to 10x tablets.

s   Flat Warts
It usually appear in group as smooth, yellow-brown spots and most frequently on the face and the back of hands.

s   Planter Warts
It usually develop on the sole of the foot, where they are usually flattened by the pressure of walking, surrounded by thickened skin. It can be so painful like a small stone in your shoes when you are walking.

Swimming pool, gym room...etc., are the public area which will be affected easily.

s   Genital Warts
Genital Warts are warts in or around the vagina, penis, or rectum. The virus can be transmitted sexually that causes moist warts on the genitals. The warts may cause skin cancer for men and cervical cancer for women.

There is still no medicine that is able to kill those bacteria and recurrence rate and side effect of those external used medicine are high. Patient can also choose surgery to treat the warts:

s   Cauterization
using electrocautery devices to burn the infected tissue, damage the tissue to the bottom to uninfected normal tissues, then scrap away the warts. It will take one to two weeks for recovery. Local anesthesia is needed for cauterization.

s   C02 Laser
Same as the Cauterization, CO2 laser use laser instead of electrocautery devices to destroy the warts to the bottom to uninfected normal tissues. It will take one to two weeks for recovery. Local anesthesia is needed for CO2.

s   Cutting surgery
It is the most conventional method for treating warts. As warts can be cut wider and deeper and remove all infected tissue after the suture, the recurrence rate is lower than other method

Everyone should pay attention to the personal hygiene, such as wearing slippers in public bathrooms, swimming pool.

Reference information: www.genesis-surgery.com
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.