2017年1月16日 星期一

除甲狀腺結節 射頻勝開刀

吞口水感疼痛、聲沙等,需慎防甲狀腺毛病。外科專科醫生表示,本港一半人或有甲狀腺良性結節,未必需要處理,但當摸到頸部「有粒嘢」或腫脹,感到頸痛、壓 迫感等,可考慮手術切除部分甲狀腺。本港今年引入射頻消融術治療良性結節,毋須切除甲狀腺,患者不用留院,傷口疤痕僅一至兩毫米,康復較快。 

氣管或受壓 礙患者呼吸

陳東飛稱,患甲狀腺良性結節,同時出現頸部疼痛、壓迫感及異物凸出等,可考慮以手術去除部分甲狀腺,但有機會影響甲狀腺功能,且手術造成傷口較大,需全身 麻醉及留院,患者康復期較長。近年韓國透過射頻消融術治療良性結節,毋須切除甲狀腺,只須以放出高溫的金屬針令結節凋亡,傷口極小,患者術後不用住院。消 融術今年四月引入本港,至今有三名病人接受消融術,康復情況良好。

「初初以為熱氣、扁桃腺炎,一路無理,原來係甲狀腺問題。」曾換腎的四十五歲李小姐兩年前發覺頸部「有粒嘢」凸出,半年後異物長大至一釐米,檢查發覺是甲 狀腺良性結節。她服藥後,未見好轉,考慮到傳統切除手術的感染風險較高,不敢貿然做手術。但拖延多個月後,結節持續長大,臨床顯示結節體積有九毫升,最終 今年七月接受射頻消融術,如今康復理想。

惡性腫瘤 新技術不適用

2017年1月3日 星期二

Cold comfort for fixing unsightly skin condition

People with an unsightly scar tissue condition may benefit from a new combination treatment, says the surgeon who developed the therapy.

The technique, which involves freezing, can treat keloid an overgrowth of scar tissue that develops around a wound said Tony Chan Tung-fei.

Chan said he started using the technique earlier this year and has treated 10 patients so far. But it is not cheap, at HK$10,000 to HK$20,000 per keloid.

Keloid usually appears on earlobes, arms, shoulders, knees, chest and back. Chan said 30 percent of people will develop it after ear piercing.
Those with a family history are likely to develop keloid. The condition is also related to the level of severity of a wound such as scalds and bacterial infections.
Chan combines cryotherapy with a clip-on magnetic compression earring. Liquid nitrogen of minus 196 degrees Celsius is injected to freeze the scar and impede tissue growth.

This helps to reduce by half or two-thirds the size of the keloid. The earring suppresses capillaries so oxygen is not generated. "There is a 70 percent chance of keloid not recurring with the magnetic compression and cryotherapy. So far no patient has shown signs of recurrence," Chan said.

Patients should wear the earring for eight to 12 hours at a time.

Steroids have been used to treat keloid but that carries a 90 percent recurrence rate.

Many choose to undergo surgery but during recovery the scar might become larger, he said.

A keloid sufferer, Ms Lo, 27, from Macau, had her ears pierced 10 years ago. A year later, her ear became inflamed.

"I consulted the doctor in Macau and underwent surgery three times but it kept recurring," she said.

"It looked so ugly I covered it with my hair all the time."

Lo started cryotherapy last year and now the swollen part of the ear is nearly flat. She also had steroid jabs to minimize the chance of recurrence.

Since June Lo has used magnetic compression, wearing the earring for four to five hours a day. The keloid has not come back.

Reference information: www.thestandard.com.hk/
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.