2018年12月19日 星期三

Three Types of Surgeries - Hyperhidrosis

 Three Types of Surgeries

  • Electrosurgery – Using electric currents to destroy the nodule. However, chances of relapse is relatively higher as the nodule remains inside the body.
  • Clamp - Using the clamp to clamp onto the blood supplying vessels, destroying the nodule with the lack of blood supply. However, this is an irreversible surgery, and the wound is relatively large.
  • Removal – Surgical removal is more complex than the two methods above, but it is the most effective with a very low chance of relapse.

Surgeries for hyperhidrosis or body odour generally takes around one hour. Patients will then be hospitalized overnight for observation. Patients may experience chest pains for several days, and may last for several weeks for a minority.

Compensatory hyperhidrosis is one of the complications of surgery, meaning sweating may occur at other locations of the body.

Perspiration is caused by the constriction of blood vessels that force out water within the blood. Therefore, after surgical removal, without the stimulation of the nerves, sweating is reduced.

Surgery is not the first and foremost method of treatment. Doctors will provide appropriate treatments based on the severity of the patient’s condition. As opposed to other kinds of surgery, surgery for hyperhidrosis is not urgent. It is necessary for patients to balance the pros and cons of each method of treatment.

Reference information:  http://www.miradry.hk/miradry-treatment.html
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2018年12月5日 星期三

離開狐臭 (多汗症) - 多汗症 / 狐臭手術,狐臭治療


多汗症 / 狐臭


其次是注射肉毒杆菌,效果可維持六個月,需定期注射。雖然每次要注射多逹一百個 (很多)位置,但優點是,即使有副作用,半年後會隨藥效消失。



多汗症 / 狐臭手術


即使是微創狐臭手術,不同醫生會有不同的切口。有醫生會以單一切口 (10-15 mm),經切口放入鏡頭及手術刀。亦有醫生會有三個5mm的切口,其中一個放鏡頭,另外兩個切口放入手術儀器,相對單一切口,雖然多了兩個傷口,但相對較靈活。



  • 電刀 - 用電流將結節電死,但由於結節仍留在體內,所以復發率較高
  • 止血夾 - 用止血夾夾住供血的血管,令結節缺血死亡,但狐臭手術不可還原,而且傷口大
  • 切除 - 手術較以上兩個複雜,但手術復發率最低,而且最有效
多汗症 / 狐臭手術一般需要一小時左右,需留院觀察一晚,手術後可能會有數日胸痛,少數會持續數星期。

參考資料: www.miradry.hk/hyperhidrosis-treatment.html